Six Creative Ways to Repurpose Leftovers for Kids

I love leftovers.  However, some members of my family (yes, it’s my kids) do not seem to feel the same way.  Sometimes my children may love a meal I prepare, but when I try to serve it the next day they don’t even want a taste - can you relate?  As a pediatric dietitian who works with families that have more selective eaters, I typically recommend only offering the same food once every 2-3 days as able.  So, I have been spending some time thinking about creative ways to repurpose leftovers for kids. Changing the food into something new, creates a brand new meal.

Six Creative Ways to Repurpose Leftovers for Kids

1. Make a grilled cheese or quesadilla with veggies.  I occasionally cook a thick vegetable stew or lentil puree for dinner.  I love the nutritious aspect of the dish so I want to make sure I serve it as many times as possible.   I will take the puree (or even puree some vegetables with protein) and spread it on bread or a tortilla with cheese and grill it up.  Viola.

Making fritters from leftovers. One of six creative ways to repurpose leftovers.

2. Cook fritters with leftover grains. This is one of my favorite ways to incorporate leftover grains, veggies or protein. Take a look at THIS POST to see how to make the most of the ingredients you have on hand. I like to incorporate a vegetable, a grain and a protein if possible. These are very versatile and can be baked or fried!

2. Create "Fried Rice" with veggies and protein.  Most of my staple dishes include some sort of grain, vegetable and protein.  I like to sauté the leftovers, crack an egg or two in the middle and sauté until the egg is cooked.  Add a few spices, like coriander and cumin and you have yourself a delicious new meal.

3. Sauté an egg scramble with veggies, or bake egg muffins.  Take those leftover vegetables and add them to some eggs in the morning, or make egg cups: mix egg and leftovers and baked in a muffin tin.  Breakfast is served.

4. Simmer soup.  Add veggies to broth with your favorite seasonings and you have a delicious soup. Do you enjoy a creamy soup? Add leftover veggies and blend with whole milk - a rich creamy veggie based soup!

5. Bake cookies or muffins with leftover smoothie. Smoothies are on our weekly breakfast rotation. I like to make the standard popsicles with leftover smoothie, but I have recently started making muffins and cookies with my leftover smoothie. HERE is my green juice cookie recipe (which works well with a smoothie). I take the leftover smoothie, add an egg, some whole wheat flour and baking powder and am armed with an easy on the go snack!

Green juice cookies.  Six creative ways to repurpose leftovers for kids

6. And finally, prepare a wrap or burrito. I love a good wrap, and have found my little ones do too. Have leftover stir fry? Beans? Chopped veggies? Put them in a whole wheat tortilla, or even a piece of lettuce: it’s a new and exciting way for your child to enjoy some leftovers. Bonus: let your kids make their own.

Now you are armed with six creative ways to repurpose leftovers for kids. I would love to hear what you create! Join my Facebook group and be part of the discussion to obtain new ideas for creative cooking.

6 creative ways to repurpose leftovers for kids